Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Another busy day on the road to our next chapter...
First thing in the morning the delivery of our new La Z Boy chairs.  So happy to get them before the move since our old ones are gone and we need comfortable seating.   First one was delivered and set up - perfect!  Then the delivery man comes in and says the wrong chair is the other box.   He suggested we refuse delivery and they will re-order.  UGH!  But, in the light of all the sorrow in the world today this is NOTHING.  Hoping the new replacement chair arrives soon...
Next stop...search for a chandelier for our dining area.  We both loved this one...modern and different.  Got it on sale and used an extra 10% coupon which makes it even more attractive.

Then a stop at our new address....and much progress has been made.  The building will be turned over to the community on July 1...so there is a lot of work and landscaping going on.   That is our window and porch...and we met some new neighbors who snapped this shot of us in front of the unit below us.   It is so exciting to see where we will be 6 weeks from TODAY!
Can't see it too well in this photo, but the pergola on the roof deck now has canvas on it to block the sun, as well as clear railing so we can enjoy the view.

Before heading home we stopped at the clubhouse for some delicious ice cream and enjoyed it while sitting by the pool.  Wish I had my suit as it was so inviting!  And...on the way out...John just had to try the vintage pinball machines in the game room.   Have not heard that pinball sound in years...think he will be enjoying these machines in the coming months! 

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How it started...How it's going !

 How it started...How it's going! Well, this week was a BIG birthday - not sure how I went from being in my 20s in the 70s to turning 70...