Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Made one last batch of scones in this kitchen this morning.   Every time I make them everyone asks for the recipe - so I thought I would take my first shot at sharing a recipe on this new blog.   First - this is not my original recipe.  I found it several years ago on one of the blogs I really enjoyed called GG Notes on the Journey, then the name changed to Fondly, Glenda.   But, both those blogs have seemed to vanished from the internet - and I hope that the author is well and just got too busy to blog.  So, here is the recipe for super easy and delicious scones...
The recipe calls for apricots and white chocolate - but I have made them with cranberries and walnuts, dried cranberries and pistachios, and hope to try them with chopped apples and walnuts in the Fall !

Chop the apricots into small pieces.  Combine the dry ingredients and then with a fork mix in the heavy whipping cream.   NO butter in these...none of that mixing in until it reaches a pea like consistency.  Just mix in the cream and gather the dough - it will be all in pieces - onto a floured board or silicone mat ( this one is fantastic!) and knead several times.
Divide the dough in half and with your hands flatten and shape into a disc shape.  I use a crinkle cut tool like my mom used to use for her lattice pie crusts.  It makes the scones look a little fancy, but you can use a knife.  I also divide each disc into 8 scones...not 6 as the recipe states.  I like them a little smaller.  You can also just roll the dough into a long roll and slice into rounds  - the the triangle shape is traditional for scones.
Place the scones on a baking sheet on parchment paper.   I have been using parchment paper for the last 10 years...always though it was not necessary, but oh - it is wonderful for scones, cookies, and other baking needs.
Bake scones at 425 degrees for 11 - 12 minutes.  
While scones are baking mix butter and sugar in a small saucepan and heat on low until melted.  I sometimes use a little more butter  - especially if I will have only 1 Tablespoon left over.  Today I used half a stick of butter...or 4 Tablespoons.
Mix with a pastry brush....
and brush onto the warm scones as soon as you take them out of the oven.
Optional directions....serve on a pretty napkin with some English Breakfast Tea in Paris mugs...ENJOY!

 These scones freeze beautifully in a plastic freezer container layered with wax paper.  Easy to pull out and defrost when guests pop in.    
Baking is over...time to get back to packing ! 6 weeks from today we will be waking up in our new home...maybe enjoying a scone on our new patio...if they last that long!

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  1. Best Scones Ever :-) Great recipe. !

  2. They look delicious! And so pretty with the scalloped edges.

  3. Your scones look amazing. Hope the packing and moving is going well, you must almost be in by now. We move next week :)

    1. Thanks, Finona ! Good luck with your move! We have a few more weeks to go, but getting very excited. Wishing you a stress-free easy move and lots of fun settling into your new home!

  4. Thanks for sharing the recipe ... yum !!! :)


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