Sunday, July 9, 2017

One BIG Date

Yesterday was a special day...lucky to say it was one of many in our lives.   We have always said that our life together is like "one big date"...we did not plan it this way.  Planned to have a family but it was not in the cards to be blessed with children.  We are very blessed to have each other.  I knew right from the start that my wonderful husband was a romantic - from our first date to see Gone With The Wind, to our perfect engagement, and romantic honeymoon in New York City - and so many other moments over the years.   As we celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary on January 8th, he came up with the wonderful idea that we should celebrate the 8th of every month.  "For this 40th year ?" I asked.  "From here on many 8th's as we get" was his reply.   So, we have been celebrating on the 8th of each month.  Sometimes it is lunch and movie, sometimes breakfast out, or a special dinner at home.  Yesterday was 40 years and 6 it called for something special.  
We left home and went to 5:00 PM Mass at St. James in Lancaster.  They have wonderful "jazz Masses" on Saturday night and we love to attend.  Yesterday it was a James Taylor theme...and the songs chosen went so well with the scriptures - and with John's idea of celebrating each month..."Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel..."  After Mass we walked through a sun shower to The Pressroom, because where else in Lancaster should have dinner if you were going to The Fulton to see Newsies ?
Lobster Fuselli with chorzio, onions, and peas.
Shared a dessert called "Lime in the Coconut" - how could we not?  
Coconut cake with lime curd and tropical fruit.

While dining we struck up a conversation with the family next to us...they asked us what we were celebrating and we explained out "anniversary every month" idea.  They loved it, and said they were going to start doing that, too!

A short walk to the show...
Great photo booth 
and the perfect format for the show!

The show was AMAZING!  The Fulton always does a fantastic job and this show was no exception.  The dancing was so acrobatic, the voices were clear and wonderful, and the whole show was a delight. We met some wonderful young people who were sitting behind us - they had just graduated from Grove City College and were either starting careers or graduate school.  So friendly and polite - a delight!
Walking back to our car the Thunder Moon was amazing, downtown Lancaster was buzzing with activity, and we passed this marker.   We had just watched the movie Gettysburg and remembered the sad scene where John Reynolds is shot.

Perfect evening...wonderful life!  This morning we went for a long walk to Stoudtbridge Village and found these charming scenes...
And this - looks like a new shop about to open.  Someone must like Sweeney Todd - 
Wishing everyone a wonderful week.   We will back to packing and getting ready for our big move.  Thanks for reading...I know this is a very basic blog - hope to make it look a bit better after our move.  Until then, celebrate EVERYTHING!


  1. What a great idea, and a good way to keep the romance alive! Congratulations on 40 plus years.


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How it started...How it's going !

 How it started...How it's going! Well, this week was a BIG birthday - not sure how I went from being in my 20s in the 70s to turning 70...