Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pasta Salads and Patriotic Decor

 Pasta Salads and Patriotic Decor

Though sometimes I have to remind myself what day it is during this Covid-19 time, I just need to look around our home to know it is SUMMER!  I usually pull out all my red/white/blue patriotic decor in time for Memorial Day...and keep it up until a little after the 4th of July.  Even though we will have no guests this year due to the virus, I am still enjoying decorating and having our home look presentable.  If you are a regular reader of this blog you know that I love a wreath on our door.  This one is a few years old - it used to have a flag themed birdhouse attached, but that got old looking and fell off.  I quickly put on this patriotic top hat from Dollar Tree.  I picked up some great decorations at JoAnn's Fabrics last week at 75% off and plan to do a total re-do on the wreath for next year!

Nothing like Summer to enjoy our screened in patio and lighter meals.  I am trying not to purchase any prepared salads from the deli department at the grocery store this year.   Since John's heart attack we are both eating much more healthy than ever ( and we were pretty darn good before that attack ) I pulled out this recipe from years ago...and I do mean YEARS.  I pulled it out of a Parent's Magazine back in the early 1980's when I was working in the Childrens Department of a public library.  It is really good, refreshing, and  we enjoyed it with a burger.

8 oz. large bow tie noodles
1 cup mayo ( I used light)
2 Tablespoons milk ( I used skim)
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 cans - 11 oz. each - of mandarin orange segments, drained
1 large red apple, cored and diced
1 cup thinly sliced celery ( 2 or 3 stalks)
Lettuce leaves
Toasted sliced almonds, for garnish

Cook bow ties in lightly salted water as package directs.  Drain in colander and rinse with cold water and drain again.
In bottom of a large bowl, mix mayo, milk, lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper.  Stir in bow ties, oranges, apple, and celery.  Cover and refrigerate for at least one or two hours.   Serve bow tie mixture on lettuce leaves and garnish with toasted almonds.
Yields 4 servings and can be doubled, tripled, etc. for a large crowd!
I used whole wheat bow ties this time...
They do not look as nice as regular, but we are trying to be better eaters!

This was great with our burgers, but would be a nice side for chicken, fish, or any other meat.
Yum !  Love eating outside on our screened patio!

Some other patriotic decor inside and out....
I found these hydrangea stems at JoAnn's and used them to make a centerpiece for the dining room and patio table...

 Added some candles, some light up stars from the Target Dollar section, and of course, a flag..

 The foyer displays my last remaining Boyd's Bear.  Remember how popular they were ?  When we downsized and moved I could not sell them at our yard sales...I ended up giving them away to kids who came by the sale.  I kept this patriotic bear to use each summer. The red lantern was a gift from a dear friend one Christmas...I use it then and in this patriotic time, too.
 Easy coffee table decor...stars from Pier One.
God Bless America pillow is old, but still comes out each year.
 Out on the patio a smaller centerpiece...

And pillows to punch up the porch for the summer.  This is my favorite place to read, nap, and watch the clouds go past!
Thanks for stopping by Our New Vista today.  Do you decorate for the summer?  With patriotic theme, or something else ?  I am so glad you stopped by - please leave a comment below.  It is easy...and I would love to hear from you.  Just click on the pencil below and tell me what you think.   Happy Summer to all !


  1. The wreath looks pretty and I love pasta salad! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 20 for All Things American (red, white, and blue), open June 27 to July 25. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.

  2. Hi Anne, you made such a pretty wreath. The pasta salad is so different with the fruit and sounds just perfect for summer dinners.
    Thanks for the visit to my beauty blog post today. Enjoy your day and the week.
    Julie xo

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