Monday, March 28, 2022

Healthy Turkey Meatloaf

 Healthy Turkey Meatloaf

Yesterday was cold and blustery....even a few snow flakes flying past our window - so it was a good day for comfort food baking in the oven.  My John loves meatloaf, but we have stopped eating beef  since his cardiologist said he stopped eating beef.  Actually, John stopped eating beef...I will have a steak when we go out to dinner, and we both will eat beef if we are at someone's home and that is what is being served.  But, in general, we are all about fish, chicken, and veggies.   So I was on the hunt for a good turkey meatloaf recipe.  I will admit that I failed the first time I attempted a turkey version.  I just used the "in my head" recipe that I have been using since we were married and just substituted the turkey for the beef.  I used to use oatmeal as the filler...and that meatloaf was a like brick.  RARELY do I throw away food...but that was one occasion.  So, I searched for a good turkey meatloaf recipe online...this is the second time I made this one and we love it.  You can find the entire recipe here - Turkey Meatloaf

I had already printed out the recipe and added it to my recipe binder,
and started by chopping up one cup of onions.  In reading some of the comments on the online recipe I saw that some people added chopped peppers.  Since I had a few mini peppers in the refrigerator I added them in as well.
I think what makes the meatloaf so good is sautéing the oninons and peppers before adding them to the mix.  The recipe calls for butter, but I rarely use butter anymore.  Almost always use Smart Balance - this seems to work great in frying and baking.

Cook the onions and peppers for a few minutes until tender,

add three cloves of garlic.  I added only the equivalent of two cloves.  I love having this minced garlic on hand for recipes.
I used one pound of ground turkey breast...this is very lean.  

And after years of mixing my meatloaf with my hands I am finally using my beloved KitchenAid stand mixer to do the job.

Instead of oatmeal I added panko bread crumbs as filler.  I usually use whole wheat unseasoned, but I could not find the whole wheat last time I shopped, so used the regular panko crumbs.

Recipe calls for one egg, or one egg substitute - since I use Egglands Best eggs that are supposed to be healthy, I use the real egg.

Add 1/4 cup of catsup to the mix,

some Worcestshire Sauce (low sodium version) for some zip.

A little scoop of kosher salt,

some ground pepper, 

and mix well !
In the past, I never made my meatloaf in a loaf pan - I don't know why.  I guess because my mom always just made a loaf and put it in a baking pan.  Remembering that my mom would make a well in the middle of the loaf, crack an egg into the hole, cover it up with meat mixture and bake it...then when she sliced it the middle pieces would have a cooked egg in the center of the slice.  I never cared for it, but it did look pretty!  
I used my Temptations loaf pan.   I mentioned in another post that I found a Temptations bakeware set that is sold on QVC at the QVC outlet near my home.  I really LOVE this bakeware.  You can find it here - Temptations  They have bakeware, dishes, and all kinds of items. I find this bakeware easy to clean - and it keeps food hot or cold longer, and comes with lids and other accessories.
I did spray the pan with non-stick spray -

then pressed the meatloaf mixture into the pan and pressed it down firmly.

Spread the remaining catsup on the top of the meatloaf  and spread it evenly all over the surface.

Pop into a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 50-55 minutes.  I used a digital thermometer to make sure it was at least 165 degrees.
And, here is where my post goes downhill.  I forgot to take a photo of the finished product before I started cutting slices.  The meatloaf came out of the pan so easily...

I served it with a baked sweet potato ( we don't eat white potatoes very much any longer...) and corn.  Also with a side of applesauce.  This is one of John's favorite meals...and he loved it.  The meatloaf was very moist and tender. Me, I did not like the way it looked.  If you closed your eyes while eating it you would not know it was turkey.  But I don't like the next time I think I may add some Gravy Master - that browning liquid - and see if that makes it look a bit better.  This recipe called for 1 and 1/4 pound of turkey, I only had a pound.  But it gave us a nice portion for dinner, another portion in the refrigerator for a planned-over meal this week, and a few slices in the freezer for a meatloaf sandwich, too.
Have you made turkey meatloaf ?  Do you have a favorite recipe or tip you can share?  I would love to hear from you - please leave a comment below!  And thank you so much for stopping by Our New Vista. Even though this week does not feel much like Spring in my neck of the woods ( cold, windy, I had to bring my pansies in from the screen terrace because I thought it was too cold even for those hardy flowers!) I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Spring week wherever you are! And please, keep the people of Ukraine in your thoughts and prayers as they fight for freedom.  

Monday, March 21, 2022

This, That, and Welcome Spring !


This, That, and Welcome Spring!

March is flying by...and it has been a busy month!  I was blessed to celebrate my birthday earlier in the month and the beautiful flowers pictured above were a gift from dear friends.  We live in a "senior community", in an apartment in a building of 53 units.  It really is like living in a dorm again.  I opened our door on my birthday to find these beauties, as well as many cards and balloons.   We feel blessed to be living here with people who have become wonderful friends and neighbors.

One of my favorite things to do on my birthday - or the weekend of my birthday - is to go shopping using all the "birthday offers" from various stores.   We drove down to Conshohocken to IKEA.  I was looking for a new desk for my sewing area, and did not find one that suited me, but found some other things to follow me home and use my birthday coupon - 
This cute little tray was one of my finds.  Not sure what or where I will use it, but sure I will find a use.

These white, mesh metal file folders should help in organizing the mess in our office cabinet.
This metal lantern was perfect for near our window.
IKEA had a wonderful variety of faux plants...I snagged this plant and the metal holder for our side table.   Despite all the windows in our apartment, we do not get much direct sun.  Faux plants are slowly replacing all of our real ones!
After loading those finds in our trunk we headed to lunch...
On the way to our next stop we spied a Panera.  Had not been to one since Covid times, so we stopped for our favorite "You Pick Two" - great Chicken Rice soup and the Fuji Apple Salad!
Next of my favorite stores...

Looking for a chair for my sewing area...I love the desk chair I found here last birthday.  But, no luck on the chair - and I found that I am pretty much already organized and did not need much.
I bought several of the clear scoops for my flour and sugar containers, and this great stainless steel scoop for using when I have a buffet and an ice bucket.

I love the little version of the scoops, too.  Great for nuts or dishes of candy.

Also found a packet of these clip on chalk tags for marking dishes when we do a buffet.

And a package of cable ties that will keep our cords contained when we travel.
After storing those finds in the trunk we headed across the parking lot to the King of Prussia Mall.   I was looking for a winter robe - the zipper on my much loved but still good robe fell apart and I thought I should be able to find one in that HUGE mall.
No such luck...and as much as I love to shop - that mall is way too big for me.  The layout is very confusing as well.   Got so tired walking around we had to stop and get ice cream!
Did make a stop at Sephora for some eye pencils and of course, my free birthday month gift!
Laura Mercier eye shadow stick and finishing powder.

It was a great day trip - and I relaxed the entire weekend and enjoyed reading all my birthday cards and texts.
My birthday fell on a Sunday and we attended church services.  Once a month everyone who is celebrating a birthday or anniversary is invited to come to the front of the church for a blessing.  

Finished off the weekend at the fine dining venue in our community.  Local Table - using a farm to table concept - has just reopened after Covid times.  We are so happy it is now open.  I enjoyed a great cocktail, wild rice soup - which was wonderful, and a great brick pressed chicken dish.  It is so great to have this wonderful spot here in our community.
It was a great birthday!  I am SO very blessed to celebrate 67 years...with good health, good friends, and a wonderful husband.  Looking forward to the coming year!
How do you celebrate your birthday?  Low key or big party?  Do you use all your "birthday rewards" at various stores?
I would love to know your traditions.  Please leave a comment below.  Thank you for stopping by Our New Vista!  
Have a fabulous Spring!

This and That

  This and That February has arrived and we are ready for the Super Bowl!  We are not hosting or attending a party because we want to be sur...