Thursday, June 29, 2023

Patriotic Dinner Table


Patriotic Dinner Table

Had a fun time this past weekend catching up with old friends with dinner at our home.  Since we are so close to the 4th I went with a patriotic theme.
Placemats are several years old.  I used blue glass chargers that I found in Ross a long time ago...along with the patriotic polka dot flatware.  Used my everyday white dinner plates, red napkins, and square red salad plates from Target. The blue water glasses are from Dollar Tree.

I used this little bowl for parmesan cheese for our shrimp scampi. You can find the recipe for the scampi here - 

I found these little star dishes at Wegmans last year after the holiday on a great sale...and grabbed them in red and blue. Used this one for my butter dish.

Used a blue napkin to hold the warm bread and places a red polka dot trivet below to protect the table.

Used a patriotic dish from Ross as a base for the container for salad dressing.

This is the dish that came with the trivet under the bread.  I have some Temptations cookware and I love it.  I found this dish with it's cute holder, the trivet, and a plastic lid for storage at our local thrift shop last week.  It was marked at $5.00 and I grabbed it - a bargain.  When I got to the checkout I was told it was 50% off everything if you were over 55 !!!   Score!!! I love it with this table, but I can see using it all year round.

Dessert was a fresh strawberry pie, but I always like to have something extra.  I love the way I can get seasonal M&Ms and put them in an oversized martini looks so cute.  One of the red stars for some peanut balls, and a little blue dish for mints.

Here is the look of my server....the candle filler and beads from Dollar Tree.

Used the little star plates for appetizers...nuts, popcorn, and the flag dish from Christmas Tree Shops is waiting for my cheesy crab bites.   I will post the recipe for that soon....

Once I had the table all set my wonderful husband reminded me that we had Tervis Tumblers with a flag motif, so I switched out the blue goblets for these.

The center piece was a simple silver charger, a pitcher filled with silk hydrangeas from JoAnn Fabrics, some wicker stars ( forget where I got them, have them for years) and another bead strand from
 Dollar Tree.
It was a great evening - and we had lots of fun and way too much food.   I really enjoyed doing this table!  I loved "playing house" as a little girl and so enjoy playing house in real life now!  Soon it will be time to pack away the red/white/blue items and move to sunflowers. 
Do you do a themed table for the 4th of July or other patriotic holiday?   Would love to hear about yours - you make my day when you leave a comment below.
Thanks for stopping by Our New Vista - wishing you a wonderful and safe 4th of July ! 


  1. You have so many fun patriotic pieces. Very bright, festive table.

  2. Hi Ann, how festive your table looks and so patriotic. I love all of your decorations and the way you set up the pretty table. I bet everyone loved your shrimp scampi and the crab bites. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and a happy 4th of July.

  3. You have so many fun patriotic pieces. I got rid of all of my patriotic decor last year (trying to de clutter!) and I miss it a bit. This year I kept it simple with mini flags and hydrangeas from my garden. Your dinner party looked amazing!


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