Sunday, May 19, 2024

Trip !


TRIP !!!

And not the trip we were looking forward to...out for a walk and waiting for the crosswalk to say WALK.  A tractor trailer turned in front of us and it looked like his back wheels were coming over the sidewalk.  I took a step back, foot hit a piece of cement curb and down I went!
I broke both bones in my of them shattered into 6 pieces.  Luckily I got into an  orthopedic urgent care, x-rays, cat scan, and eventually after several  Plates and screws holding everything together!  Wonderful care, but no fun.  Not my dominant hand, but I am amazed at how much I cannot do with one hand.  Typing this with one hand is a trick!
Sadly, were were supposed to leave on a Viking River Cruise to Holland and Belgium...cancelled.
Painful...but it could have been much worse!
And I am reminded of this verse that we have on our bookcase - 
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
ALL things work together for good...not just the things that make sense to me.  Maybe there is a reason we were not supposed to go
 on that trip ???
So, life has been a little different theses past two weeks...
my wonderful husband John has been a constant source of love and encouragement!  He used to say he never cooked a meal in 47 years of marriage, and now - 
he can pre-heat the oven, steam veggies, made scrambled eggs, and jokes he will soon be ready for the Culinary Institute!!!
Friends and neighbors in our building have been amazing...dropping off meals, baked goods, flowers and cards.
My dear friend Joanne knew I was missing the tulips in Holland and sent these beauties to make my day.  We have been friends since we met in high school!
Each day the mail brings more caring cards...

Love theses homemade ones from Joanne's grandchildren - precious!
My sister Mary sends a card every few days and sent prayer/healing shawls from her church group...sister-in-law Barb calls often to check in.  
 I feel the love!
So...stiches out on Friday, a brace for a month then back to doctor to see how much mobility I have...the physical therapy.

I am not a patient person...I want to be up, doing things, getting our screen porch ready for the summer, cooking, baking...all that has to wait. Taking the time to just rest, to read, to nap and to heal
And to watch lots of movies...some old favorites -
anybody else remember this ?
So...this one finger typing is not fun.  I won't be posting for a few months, but will enjoy seeing all of your posts, ideas, recipes, and travels...getting ideas for when life returns to normal.
Now...time for a cuppa tea and a nap!
Thanks for stopping by Our New Vista!  Have great Memorial Day and start of summer  !


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your wrist! Yikes! You have certainly had a time of it. I'm glad your husband is such a great help and it certainly looks like you are well loved from all the cards and beautiful tulips! Take care and heal up!

  2. Ann, I am so sorry to hear that you fell and broke your wrist. I'm sorry to hear about your cancelled trip too. It's great that your husband has been cooking meals and helping out. How nice to receive all of those cards and flowers. I hope you rest up and have a speedy recovery.

  3. Oh no, that's not fun. Know the feeling so well. Approx 13 years ago slipped on black ice, broke my wrist and shoulder and had no choice and went back to work (think December and all staff - family business on vacation and I had to run with it). No fun, so please take care and remember that your blog will be waiting when you're ready.
    I visited you via Between Naps on the Porch. My entries this week are Beef Salami and Rooibos Shortbread Cookies
    Please join SSPS: M-S

  4. Oh no! That awful Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  5. I’m so sorry to hear about your wrists! How disappointing, too, to cancel your trip. I hope you recover quickly and fully!

  6. Oh my. How unexpected. I sure hope you're not experiencing a lot of pain. But I agree. ALL things work to good for those who love the Lord. Romans 8:28. I'm glad you have that attitude.

    I can't help but wonder, were they able to reschedule your cruise? That's exactly the sort of cruise I'd like to take. I hope you'll be able to make it soon. And if you don't mind answering, will they reimburse your deposit? I hope so!

    But also, what a lot of caring friends and family you have. Lucky you! I do mean that. How fortunate for you that you have so many people in your life who clearly love you. AND a wonderful husband who has learned to be a gourmet chef (well ...) Haha. I bet it's actually rather fun for him to learn a new thing or two.

    Feel better and get back to blogging as soon as you can. Take care!

  7. Stopping in to say hi and see how you're doing. I hope you are healing up and making progress every day. I LOVED North & South...such a good one! swoon!

  8. I'm very sorry to read about your mishap, particularly considering how wonderful your trip seemed to have been. Your wrist breaking in two must be excruciatingly painful and infuriating. I hope you're healing nicely and receiving the attention you require. I'm wishing you a quick and easy recovery!


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